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Rats are similar in behaviour to mice, only craftier. They are difficult to trap as they are clever enough to avoid traps, so the usual method of control is by poisoning. There are circumstances where poisons cannot be used, such as food manufacturing premises and where traps have to be used, but this is an expensive business. Animal welfare regulations extend to rats and traps have to be examined daily as it is considered cruel and therefore illegal to leave an animal trapped for more than 24 hours.
There are 2 aspects to rat control in premises; the first is to control the rats and the second is to find out how they get in and to take appropriate measures to deny future access. The first part is far easier than the second, but we are extremely experienced in dealing with rats and your premises are surveyed to identify points of access and give advice on necessary preventative measures.
Rat droppings are baked bean size, torpedo shaped and squashy. Rats spread more dangerous diseases than mice, in particular Weil's disease, the symptoms of which are flu-like. You must always wear gloves when touching anything that may have been in contact with rat's urine. As they continually urinate this means anything that a rat may have been in contact with.
Rats will normally take a minimum of 2 visits to control. At the beginning you will be told exactly how much the programme will cost. Our rates are the lowest in the area. All bait is securely placed so as to be inaccessible to pets, children and non-target species of animals.