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Mice contaminate considerably more food than they eat. They are a health hazard as they carry many diseases and they contaminate food with their urine and droppings. The average mouse sheds 70 droppings in 24 hours and urinates constantly. Droppings are 2-4mm long, black, thin and brittle. Mice become sexually mature at 8-10 weeks and each pair can produce up to 8 litters per year. A litter can contain up to 16 young.
Mice should not be confused with the dormouse, which is a protected species. Doormice are rarely found indoors and can most easily be identified by their furry tail, other mice have bald tails.
Rats and mice avoid all new food and objects, so acute poisons tend to be ineffective (an acute poison is one which they eat and die immediately afterwards). As a defence mechanism, for any new food they eat a tiny amount and go away and will not touch it again if they become ill, therefore chronic poisons are more effective ie poisons which they eat, go away, do not feel ill, come back, eat some more and by the time they feel ill, they have a lethal dose.
There are problems with resistance to poisons in both rats and mice. Most domestic infestations can be cured with a single visit, but if the problem persists beyond 3 weeks then further visits will be necessary, with the use of different poisons. Large premises may take longer as will special situations where mice have an established food source which is difficult to isolate. Typical difficult situations would be food storage warehouses and domestic premises with pets such as gerbils, birds etc. Mice can easily squeeze through cage bars and share your pet's food!
In all cases you will be told of the cost before treatment begins. Our prices are the lowest in the area.
The art of killing mice is not to expose pets, children, or other animals to the risk of poisoning. We are experienced in this art, either placing bait under floorboards, or other inaccessible places, or using tamper resistant bait boxes which children and pets cannot access.